How integrated transport systems mean efficiency

How integrated transport systems mean efficiency

February 15, 2021
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Emily sits down with Yale Z Wong, PhD, and Principal at Dr Transportation international transport advisory to discuss efficiency across our transport networks, and what can be done to address fragmentation across different transport and mobility systems. What can be done on a regulatory level? Is emotion-led decision making partially to blame for our fragmented transport network?

Yale Z Wong is an international advisor and social entrepreneur in the public transport and intelligent transport systems (ITS) sectors. He holds positions as ANZ Market Lead at the Cities Forum and is an Honorary Associate at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS).  Yale is a thought leader, a strategic advisor, and a powerful industry advocate in the public transport and intelligent transport systems (ITS) sectors, having won the David Willis Prize (2018), ITLS Research Prize (2018), and selected by ITS Australia as Youth Ambassador to the World Congress (2019), and as recipient of the Young Professional Award (2019).

Yale's website: